

įischer C, Mayer S, Perić N, Simon J on behalf of the PECUNIA Group. Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Health-Related Multi-sectoral Resource Use in Europe: The PECUNIA RUM.


Pokhilenko, I., Janssen, L.M.M., Paulus, A.T.G.


The different modules have been harmonised with each other and development included the following steps: a comprehensive scoping review to identify existing RUM recommendations, a focus group of health economists to provide feedback on the first draft, an initial wording review, a professional English language editing, piloting in (online) interviews with former mental health care users and carers, and a formal translatability assessment. While Sections A, B, C, D, E, G, H were all developed newly, the section on ’Employment and productivity’ (Section F, the IPCQ PECUNIA) is based on the existing IPCQ instrument. Out-of-pocket and other expenses (Section H).Employment and productivity (Section F).Unpaid help (informal care) (Section D).Non-residential health and social care (Section B).Place of living and overnight stays (Section A).It has a modular structure of 9 sections covering questions related to: The PECUNIA RUM was developed as a 37-page pen and paper questionnaire in English by the scientific partners of the PECUNIA Consortium between mid-2019 and June 2021. IP support for the OUH NHS Foundation Trust.


  • Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Award.
  • Student Entrepreneurs’ Programme (StEP).
  • COA Translation and Linguistic Validation.
  • Easy-to-use Materials Evaluation Agreement.
  • Expedited access for COVID-19 related IP.

  • Pecunia